(轉)美國參議員Sherrod Brown上個月在USCC的演講
At United States China Economic and Security Review Commission Hearing
March 18, 2010
SENATOR BROWN: Thank you, Commissioner Mulloy, and Commissioner Wortzel, and all of you, thanks.
It's a pleasure to be back in front of you, and thanks for your service on increasingly important issues that our country faces in terms of national security, in terms of economic security. These issues get more interesting, more complicated, and more crucial to our national interests just about every year.
I commend this Commission, first of all, for tackling the tough issue of the United States' relationship with both China and Taiwan and the interaction that way. This hearing is not only timely but vital to understanding the role of the U.S. in the Taiwan Straits.
Even before serving in Congress in the House and the Senate, the role o f the U.S. in the Taiwan Strait has been a personal interest to me. The personal interest became more a professional prerogative because of Taiwanese American constituents in my old congressional district and
in my state.
Taiwan's miracle, its transition from martial law to democracy, as quickly as they did, is, I won't say effortlessly, but as smoothly in many ways as they did, and with the economic vitality that that island nation was able to generate, was nothing short o f a miracle.
It's one of the great achievements of the 20th century, yet it 's often overlooked. People really don't know much about what happened.
I remember watching the inauguration from President Lee to President Chen Shui-bian, and that's really one of the hallmarks of a democracy, being able to switch, to have a peaceful transition of a chief executive, going from one political party to another, and to do it as smoothly as
the Taiwanese did.
That's why the U.S. role in t he Taiwan Strait , I think, is so important . It's in our national security interests not to take our attention away from China's presence around the world.
Senator Durbin and I were just in East Africa in four countries which are important to our national interests and are four countries that face some of the biggest challenges of any in the world Sudan, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Congo and we saw beginning, not just beginning, but a huge Chinese presence in those four countries in ways that frankly got our attention.
When you look at China's presence around the world, from these massive investments in unstable African countries, to engaging in predatory trade practices, about which we are so familiar, just picking the newspaper up everyday from the Wall Street Journal or any other paper, to attempting to monopolize the Taiwan Strait, all of these are crucial issues for us.
The U. S. must be clear as a government and as a people that freedom and democracy form the path to longterm economic stability and prosperity for Taiwan and all nations aspiring for independence and autonomy and selfgovernment. Those who fight for those principles should know that they will be supported by the United States.
The U. S. shouldn't turn its back to human rights like freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of religion. We must encourage and foster those who wish to live free of oppressive regimes no matter where they live, no matter how difficult the challenge.
For the people of Taiwan, we should recognize its own history and we should recognize its cultural identity. Therefore, we must view the issues between Taiwan and China in the context of a diplomatic relationship between two sovereign nations. As Taiwan's closest ally and strongest supporter on its road to democracy, the U.S. should continue to play a leading role in Taiwan Strait relations.
Taiwan has shaken the tentacles of martial law to have free and democratic elections. It has strong environmental and labor ties, something for which this committee has spoken out and stood for forever, really since the creation of t his Commission.
Taiwan plays by the rules. It should be rewarded, therefore, and encouraged. That is simply not happening. Taiwan, as you know, is not a member of the United Nations. Taiwan is not a member of the World Health Organization. It doesn't even have observer status at the World Health Organization. This is despite the fact that it's a world leader in medical research. It's formed a health care system that serves virtually all of its people, all in the last decade or so.
It's a nation that when there are national catastrophes, weather catastrophes, natural disasters around the world, Taiwan is often one of the first countries to send in welltrained medical personnel and assistance.
This, not being part of the WHO, has happened despite the concerns of all nations that disease from SARS to H1N1 to so much else freely affects people, regardless of geography or gender, age and nationality.
I remember a very damaging earthquake in Taiwan, back, I believe, in Sept ember of 1999, when the world assistance had to await support and acknowledgement from Beijing before we could go into Taiwan. Nations o f the world had to get the People's Republic of China's agreement, acknowledgement of an agreement before they could actually go in and help Taiwan directly. That simply makes no sense for human rights, no sense for the human condition in any way we look at that.
Taiwan's leaders are not, as you know, afforded free and open travel to the U.S. The U.S. does not have an ambassador to Taiwan despite the fact it's one of our largest trading partners. Nor does Taiwan, as you know, have an ambassador to the U. S. 23 million plus Taiwanese have no representation, no presence in our nation, founded on the very values that we acknowledge, that we have fought for, that they aspire to. These injustices must be corrected.
Taiwan's democracy is young, it's still growing, but we can't let it revert back to ways of the past.
What is the cost of giving up freedoms and sovereignty in an effort to benefit economically from China? Many in Taiwan have expressed major reservations with the so called "Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement." This agreement could alter Taiwan's economy
for decades, further blurring the lines of nationality and identity, economic independence and economic dependence.
ECFA negotiations should not keep its own people and trading partners in the dark. I've long opposed U.S. trade agreements that were negotiated to give too much away with too little in return. But as frustrating as it 's been, as wrongheaded as I think free trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA are, and several of you on this Commission have spoken out and been leaders in formulating the intellectual framework around opposition to these agreements, the process in the United States, at least, has been open and subject to congressional approval.
The Obama administration must urge the Taiwanese government to be prudent, to make the negotiations completely transparent, and to take the input from the public and from industries. That's what democracies do.
China may have overwhelmingly military, diplomatic and economic power over Taiwan, this country of 23 million, versus a country of 1. 3 billion now, but China lacks the most powerful force available to any nation, and that is the power over the human spirit of the Taiwanese
United States must always side with those who encourage democracy and freedom and peace. Spreading democracy and freedom is something our nation has made part of our moral fabric and hallmark and focus of our national strategy.
Our role in the Taiwan Strait should ensure that China emulates the democratic values of Taiwan, not vice versa, where we allow Taiwan to emulate oppressive values of China. The policy of the United States should be "One China, One Tibet, One Taiwan. "
That's the message we should send the world. Thank you.
當世界上發生國際災難、政治災禍和天災時,台灣通常是第一個派出訓練精良的醫療人員和設備援助的國家。而他,並不是WHO的成員,但卻關注世界各地的疾病,從SARS到 H1N1,無論病患的地理位置、性別、年齡和國籍同等對待。
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