
Spin Doctor




轉眼之間,這件事的週年「紀念」日已經快要到了,Jerome Keating 博士,這位長住台灣並常常替台灣寫文章的語言文學教授,為這件事在 5月19日發表了一篇相關的文章 『馬英九的化妝師與市府大樓的陳屍案』,我把它翻譯在此。



Ma Ying-jeou's Spin-doctors and the Taipei City Hall Corpse
Saturday May 19, 2007, by Jerome F. Keating Ph.D.

Not too many would be aware of it, but we are fast approaching the anniversary date of the finding of a corpse on a Taipei City Hall balcony. It is not every day of course that an unclaimed corpse turns up at Taipei City Hall, but what made this corpse so unusual was that it had lain there on the 3rd floor balcony for over six months. The Hong Kong born and indicted former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairman, Ma Ying-jeou, was mayor then.

In my mind, if there is anyone in Taiwan who has the best spin-doctors that money (corrupt or not) can buy, it is Ma Ying-jeou. That is why it has always amazed me that they would not touch this one with a ten or even twenty-foot pole. They did not try to even use their traditional dodge when Ma is found guilty of something to say, "Of course Ma Ying-jeou knew nothing about that."
我想,如果台灣人裡有誰可稱得上擁有最好的,用錢可以買到(不管是不是經過貪污)的化妝師(譯註:根據 answers.com 的解釋,spin-doctors 指的是「公開替公眾尤其是政治人物美言的人」,暫時翻成「化妝師」),那就是馬英九了。那也是為什麼我總是很驚訝這些人竟然一點都不敢碰觸這件北市府陳屍案。他們甚至連平常當馬英九被發覺違法時慣用的說法「馬英九當然毫不知情」也不敢提。

In the past, Ma has never missed a chance to have a photo opportunity with the numerous charlatans that attacked Ma's opposition enemy Chen Shui-bian; but here there were no appropriate apologies for the body lying there for six months, nor were there photos of Ma pointing to the site and saying "See, the body was found there." Ma's spin-doctors didn't know what to do and avoided this one like the plague.

I suppose even Ma's spin-doctors' standard excuse, "Of course Ma Ying-jeou knew nothing about that" used for example when false receipts were turned in for funds deposited into his personal bank account, just could not be bent in any way to apply here.

If you are the indicted former mayor, just how can you say that you knew nothing about a corpse that has been lying around your city hall for six months. It would suggest some dereliction of duty for a man bent on creating image.

This is Bonfire of the Vanities stuff and I am still waiting for some enterprising novelist or playwright to take hold of this unexplained and avoided topic. (those wishing more background details can visit my posting of June 4, 2006.) Ma's spin-doctors complete silence here points to a more dramatic tale.
這是錯綜複雜的懸疑事件( 譯註:Bonfire of the Vanities stuff 很難翻,我不知道是不是中文裡有既定的翻譯,暫時先這樣翻)。由於馬英九的化妝師們對這件事情的全盤禁口,顯示這件事可以成為更戲劇化的故事。我還在等著大卡的小說家或劇作家對這個未解且避之唯恐不及的話題感興趣。想知道多一點背景資訊的人可以參考我在 2006 年 6月 4日 的文章( 譯註:The Taipei City Hall Corpse: More Skeletons in the Closet?)。

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